Hollerin', stompin, and gettin' nasty.
Y'all read the story behind the song right Here.
A rompin' Stompin barnburner and barbeque, ya muthrs.
I don't believe in best anything. But if I did, Scott H Biram's Bad Ingredients would be high on that list. Biram brings what he knows, and what he knows is that you don't get many chances. So you better have a good time, break some hearts and get broke. You damn sure better take it to the stage right and full on.
Scott H Biram more than deserves your money.
Send it to him and buy all of his stuff.
Pete Swanson - Man With Potential & show
Pete Swanson - Remote View from John Twells
Type records recently announced a new solo record by Pete Swanson (formerly of Portland's Yellow Swans). The track "Remote View" is an album cut from the upcoming Man With Potential. The song takes on a dance four-to-the-floor aesthetics as heard through a horror flick, somewhat perfect considering the day. Come to think of it maybe it's the perfect late night burner for the evening, adding a bit of creeping dread into your step. The video by William Sabiston matches this atmosphere perfectly by taking it to some ghostly rave, whose strobe light is slower than if it it had a codeine drink earlier in the night. Great stuff really.
On a side note Pete Swanson will be performing at the next Last Nights show this Nov. 20th, where he will be collaborating with Brian Sullivan, who some may know as 1/2 of Mouthus and his more recent solo venture as United Waters. Their performance in my eyes can be seen two different ways. The first being an extension of the recent Pete Swanson / Mouthus / Golden Retriever show at Issue Project Room not too long back. While the second being the organic outgrowth due to Swanson's recent geographical relocation, resulting in two like minded and high profile noise denizens to meet for some collaborative get togethers.
Anyway the night will also see performances by Earn, Mirror To Mirror, & Civilian Device. It will be held at Shea Stadium, but there will be more info for all this later on. So until then...
Sun Foot - Soggy Moggy

Big Snow Buffalo Lodge - New Brooklyn Venue Space

RiCH HALL's THE DiRTY SOUTH. A BBC Documentary on Hollywood's Exploitation of The South
Part 4, for some crazyass reason, is non-embeddable.
Go here.
SACRED HARP of HOBOKEN - Short Emmy-winning doc on 150 years of Sacred Harp/Shape Note Singing in Hoboken
ww2 Aircrew training - the eternal questions
- January 7th 1941 - World War Two aircrew training day one
- January 8th 1941 - World War Two aircrew training day two
- January 9th 1941 - Isle of Wight - seeking sanctuary World War Two
- January 10th 1941 - Aircrew training 10th Jan 1941 - Books
- January 12th 1941 - ww2 training 1941 - what is the meaning of life?
- January 13th 1941 - World War Two aircrew training day six
- October 10th 1941 - Wellington Bomber raid October 1941
Entry 7 - January 20th
Living as we do, in these difficult times from day to day, it is exceedingly difficult to express concisely our more intimate thoughts on divine relations. There is also the feeling that our true spiritual development has been rudely interrupted by the shattering of our former environment. Nevertheless, in this undeveloped state we seem to be in closer contact with spiritual affairs.
Hitherto life in this emergency has been devoid of meaning and completely empty. Our spirit confined to the narrow realms of our body has no real outlet for expression. We all have high ideals, great ambitions, cherish beauty and dream of love, but our ideals are dissipated, our ambitions broken, beauty banished and dreams fade at dawn. This world is corrupt and lecherous, it destroys the most humble of our hopes and leaves us with nothing save the ashes of despair.
Thus frustrated, humiliated and disillusioned there is one only to whom we can turn and He is God. Perhaps man has flattered himself by imagining that he was made after God's own image. I have neither the desire or the requisite knowledge to even express an opinion, but I know that I have within me something that is immortal and gives me, as it does to everyone, my own individuality.
I hold no brief for any established form or creed of religion. Cant, hypocrisy and symbolism have destroyed the fundamental true beliefs and today there exists but an empty, hollow mockery of worship, the blind leading the blind. We need no advocate to plead our cause, we need no mediator to approach God for our very life, our existence is a living prayer and suppliant for help, guidance and assistance.
To those who may survive there is only one course open to them. That is, to supercede our present system by a scheme of things that will provide posterity, not only with material freedom and expression but spiritual expression as well. We are no longer fighting for our King, our country, our Empire or our capitalists, but we are fighting for a people, we are fighting for humanity. We are striving for spiritual expression. It is a fight to establish a basis for a new renaissance, a creation of an island of sanity, a rock on which we may build a new living edifice to honour God.
For us, however, there is nothing left to live for. We have given up our jobs, our homes, our freedom and now we are prepared to sacrifice even our lives in the sacred cause of humanity. So today I can view the machinations of my body with complete detachment. I can achieve nothing. Collectively and individually we are failures but there is still hope!
Tomorrow we live. Shedding this earthly shell which has surrounded, enmeshed and frustrated us, we shall survive and emerge into a sphere of happiness having, at last, attained our full individual, spiritual expression. For God shall wipe all tears from our eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor sadness, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away!
In the light of this, death can hold no terrors for us, it is our deliverance and the salvation of humanity. We know that whatever may mar our memory here it cannot sear our souls. There is no fear however much our bodies may wish to evade the issue. Tomorrow, we too, shall live.
Douglas George Banks 1920 – 1989 written in 1941
Holy sweet Isla Mujeres!
You now have a reason to live another day!
The great Guadalupe Plata have a new single out and it's a free download from their Bandcamp page.
I've raved about these guys before, and their new single, Casino El Camino Parte 1 and Parte 2 is every bit as wicked as previous.
Speaking of previous, you can still snag their two albums for free as well from their Bandcamp page.
Go! Vamanos! Skedaddle! Git it!
By the way...check out these two videos which feature the music from the single!:
Guadalupe Plata - Casino El Camino (parte 2) from Toni Anguiano on Vimeo.
SCOTT H BiRAM - New Video of Scott's cover of Omie Wise
JiM O'NEAL - Founder of Living Blues Magazine & Rooster Blues Records Has Cancer and No Insurance. Please Help!
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Jim O'Neal (second from left) with Bobby Plant |
Peter Gabriel talks New Blood orchestra
Peter Gabriel gives an overview of his recently released orchestral project, New Blood, and gives insight into the extensive creative process involved. I was privileged to attend the Hammersmith Apollo for the recording of the DVD, which I reviewed here. Have only been able to listen the previews because the deluxe edition I've ordered includes the DVD which has a release date of 24th October whilst the CD came out on 10th October - the extra wait is proving a tad trying...
MV & EE - April Flower Tour Boxset

God's extraordinary symphony...
Rapping theology...
Jovontaes - Falcon
ww2 training 1941 - what is the meaning of life?
- World War Two aircrew training day one
- World War Two aircrew training day two
- Isle of Wight - seeking sanctuary World War Two
- Aircrew training 10th Jan 1941 - Books
- World War Two aircrew training day six
- Wellington Bomber raid October 1941
Entry 5 - January 12th
After a very enjoyable weekend in Oxford we have returned to service life. A thought left undeveloped or expanded in the streets of Oxford has recurred, it is namely, what are human beings, what is the reason for their existence? What is the meaning of life?
It seems a very empty and worthless existence to plod wearily through this scheme of things, in our allotted places, for nearly seventy years and then finish. Why should men have ambition? What is power worth? Which, when obtained, has to be left after our short course has been run. Why should we have evolved throughout aeons of time a complicated and intricate system of legislative and executive government and now arrived no nearer the seat of universal happiness?
Why do we live? If it is that we are here to prepare ourselves for an eternity with or without God, why do we trouble to procreate our species? Is there any value to life? It is an involved and colossal question. It involves, perhaps, the admission that up to the present time the whole human race can be accounted as a drastic and unfortunate failure and, in our past and in our future, if the present state of affairs is allowed to continue, there is not one ray of hope or illuminated feature that has, in any way, ameliorated or alleviated the race as an indivisible whole.
But, if other men have failed, why should we? Standing as we do on the brink of the dark abyss of annihilation, it is up to us to, at least, attempt to formulate some sound theory as to the purpose of live and to achieve a basis whereby we can conform to those standards of life.
It would appear, to a reasoning man, that the purpose of life would be to achieve happiness. Happiness, however, is a very loose term. Happiness, perhaps, might be found more often in a garret than in a palace and yet I doubt whether we can achieve universal happiness by getting everyone in a garret.
What, then, does happiness consist of? Man's life probably falls into three spheres: his work, his leisure and his pro-generation. Firstly, therefore, man must be allowed full expression of his genius, or talents, in whatever direction his genius, or talent, tends to take. Secondly his leisure, or recreation, must be considered; artistically, spiritually and physically. He must be allowed sufficient time to devote to his leisure and given the capability for full, fundamental enjoyment. Thirdly comes his family responsibilities, to which, naturally enough, a certain amount of time has to be devoted.
Superficially it might appear that these spheres are, largely and to a greater extent, dovetailed together. Nowadays, or even in the past, it would appear that a young man's leisure is almost wholeheartedly taken up in the process of biological selection. Admittedly it is so but only from a sense of frustration and the attempt to kill two birds with one stone.
I prefer to face facts and from them I draw these inexorable conclusions which are: that man's life today has to be fundamentally re-organised and subdivided so that the full amount of true happiness can be obtained, symbolical to Adam Smith's avocation of the division of labour being the means of obtaining wealth.
Thus having shaped in our mind the purpose of life and generalised on the means to achieve how are we to bring them into effect? And when they are brought to pass, what is the sum total of our achievement?
Douglas George Banks 1920 – 1989 written in 1941
No Neck Blues Band - YTIU

Peter Gabriel - Thought for Sunday
The story behind the song 'In Your Eyes' in the build up to the release of his New Blood CD where Peter Gabriel's songs have been re-interpreted with orchestral arrangements. Peter talks about ambiguity in love songs, of hearing a spiritual 'layer' in addition to the literal interpretation. The topic of 'Redeeming Culture' has been tackled in a number of previous posts including:
- We might as well be strangers - A song from Keane interpreted as the topic of the nativity
- Hymns and Spiritual songs - Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood 'In the presence of the Lord'
- Music is a Voice of God - Billy Preston and Mary J Blige 'taking it to church'
- Redemptive Rock and Spiritual Songs - 30 Seconds To Mars music, lyrics and engagement
- Art, Music and falling short on GodPod - "There's got to be a better song to sing than this?"
- Redeeming Culture - a video explaining the thinking behind curating mainstream music for church services of worship
C.W. AYON - Music Of The Delta Played From The Desert
He has a groove on bass drum and foot-operated snare so deep that it almost falls out of the pocket, yet at times is akin to a heartbeat. He doesn't let the fact that he's a one-man band particularly show or get in the way, and he shouldn't. He runs a great balance of solid, muscular riffs with a sexy, vigorous, and dextrous delivery.
Somebody needs to pony up and get this kid a smart, sympathetic, recording engineer for his next album and let him run bad and nationwide. Dude's capable. Let's move.
C.W. gave me permission to post one song from each album but i'm posting two because y'all need to know.
C.W. Ayon - Ain't No Use In Moving - Walkin'- mp3
C.W. Ayon - Is What It Is - Things You Do - mp3
C.W. Ayon - Is What It Is - Call My Name - mp3
C.W. Ayon - Gone - Women - mp3
C.W. Ayon - Gone - Moan Song - mp3
LONNiE PiTCHFORD's Perfectly Unique Gravestone.
In addition to the acoustic and electric guitar, Pitchford was also skilled at the one-string guitar and diddley bow, a one-string instrument of African origin.
If you look closely at the picture you will see a Diddley Bow permantly mounted to the right-hand side of his gravestone.
In this wonderful documentary by Alan Lomax called 'The Land Where The Blues Began' you can see and hear Lonnie Pitchford demonstrating his amazing technique on the Diddley Bow beginning at 3:58.
Steve Jobs - just one more thing...
The genius of simplicity. Graphic created by Jonathan Mak Long, a 19-year-old designer living in Hong Kong, found right here. Thoughts and prayers for his very private family and close friends...
YouTube video of Steve Jobs' inspirational speech to Stanford University graduates in 2005.
Apple's own tribute.
OLD GRAY MULE - A Day In Mississippi, A Night In Texas
"I pledge allegiance to the Groove, the whole Groove and nothing but the Groove, so help me R.L., T-Model, and Junior. Amen." - Old Gray Mule guitarist C.R. Humphrey
That other little ol' band from Texas, Old Gray Mule has whipped up a sweet new disc of odds, sods, seeds and dirty ends for their trip down under this month.
Comprised of ten tracks, including live recordings from their annual Junior Kimbrough Birthday Party, and four tracks with Mississippi's legendary Bill Abel, who has played guitar for Paul Wine Jones, Big George Brock, T-Model Ford, and others.
This tough lil' set will be available stateside at OGM gigs or you can give Charlie a holler when they get back home. You can also send yr digits to OZ and get the good folks at Stobie Sound to send you a copy.
Physical only.
No Downloads.
As it oughta be.
Old Gray Mule just straight get it.
They feel the humid North Mississippi vibe, shake it and push it thru their own hand-hammered and home-made south central Texas sieve, leaving in the gravel, grit, and groove. What else do y'all need?