@ iTunes // ReverbNation
The Soul Of John Black - Holiday Inn
I've played this song so many times this last year I swear it's lost some digits. It just works for me in everyway. Slow, sexy, a lush blues groove juxtaposed with sad, unplugged Chi-lites Oh Girl soulpop and
slow-dancing alone-ness.
This is the song you want to hear playing loud from the beat-up cd jukebox downtown Holiday Inn Bar.A perfectly rich polaroid pan across the empty faux-brass and fern barroom. Deeply worn and high-backed booths in orange Tijuana Tuck & Roll naugahyde. An empty room but for your friend the bartender and you. The camera fades back from a tight close-up a half-smoked and stubbed mess of cigarettes in a green glass ashtray, past a gold wedding band sitting on cold red formica bartop next to a buzzing cell phone.