Jarmusch chatters about T-Model starting @ approx 16:00
Jessie Mae Hemphill Deserves A Blues Trail Marker! You Can Help!
Jessie Mae Hemphill friends and fans!
We are looking to get a Blues Trail Marker for Jessie Mae which would be installed near her headstone (Senatobia Memorial Cemetary). $3500 needs to be raised to get this accomplished.
Please help us commemorate Jessie Mae and her legacy by making a donation to this very honorable project.
The Blues Trail crew designs the markers, but it is up to local
government/community/private donations to pay for the marker. The State of Mississippi does not pay for these markers.
Checks can be sent to:
Tate County Economic
Development Foundation,
135 N. Front St.
Senatobia, MS 38668.
For more info call 662-292-3509.
We are looking to get a Blues Trail Marker for Jessie Mae which would be installed near her headstone (Senatobia Memorial Cemetary). $3500 needs to be raised to get this accomplished.
Please help us commemorate Jessie Mae and her legacy by making a donation to this very honorable project.
The Blues Trail crew designs the markers, but it is up to local
government/community/private donations to pay for the marker. The State of Mississippi does not pay for these markers.
Checks can be sent to:
Tate County Economic
Development Foundation,
135 N. Front St.
Senatobia, MS 38668.
For more info call 662-292-3509.
After blowing the roofs off five different venues in New York in July The ‘Revue return to the US to cause roof menders more problems in late September.
Here are the dates…..
Tues 14 New York, Le Poissen Rouge www.lepoissonrouge.com
Wed 15 Chicago, Double Door www.ticketfly.com
Thrs 16 Seattle, Tractor Tavern www.ticketweb.com
Fri 17 Portland, Dantes w/ Hed Cat (Slim Jim & Lemmy)
Sun 19 San Francisco, GAMH www.gamh.com
Mon 20 Santa Cruz, Crepe www.ticketweb.com
Wed 22 San Diego, Casbah www.casbahmusic.com
Thrs 23 Los Angeles, Echo www.ticketweb.com
Sun 26 New Orleans, Ponderossa Stomp Closing Party w/ Flamin Groovies & The A-Bones
One Eyed Jacks www.ticketweb.com
Sola Scriptura - Biblical Marriage...
America's Best Christian, Mrs Betty Bowers, takes time to explain to less informed Christians (i.e. Fundamentalists) the curious details of the Biblical approach to marriage.... h/t Zach Lind
Priests just wanna have fun!
Filmed in Hungary and set to the very fine music of Blink 182 (explicit lyrics warning!) whose songs were featured in one of my fave TV series 'All the Small Things' as imaginative choral arrangements... h/t Andy Piercy
All the small things,
Classical Music,
re-imagining church
Where Dead Voices Gather with The Minstrel Man from Georgia Emmitt Miller
From Tosches bio of Emmitt Miller:
"And, of course, that is what all of this is - all of this: the one song, ever changing, ever reincarnated, that speaks somehow from and to and for that which is ineffable within us and without us, that is both prayer and deliverance, folly and wisdom, that inspires us to dance or smile or simply to go on, senselessly, incomprehensibly, beatifically, in the face of mortality and the truth that our lives are more ill-writ, ill-rhymed and fleeting than any song, except perhaps those songs - that song, endlesly reincarnated - born of that truth, be it the moon and June of that truth, or the wordless blue moan, or the rotgut or the elegant poetry of it. That nameless black-hulled ship of Ulysses, that long black train, that Terraplane, that mystery train, that Rocket '88', that Buick 6 - same journey, same miracle, same end and endlessness." - Nick Tosches, Where Dead Voices Gather
Without Emmitt Miller would we have Hank Williams?
You decide. Go here & here for rare Emmitt Miller medicine shows and songs.
"And, of course, that is what all of this is - all of this: the one song, ever changing, ever reincarnated, that speaks somehow from and to and for that which is ineffable within us and without us, that is both prayer and deliverance, folly and wisdom, that inspires us to dance or smile or simply to go on, senselessly, incomprehensibly, beatifically, in the face of mortality and the truth that our lives are more ill-writ, ill-rhymed and fleeting than any song, except perhaps those songs - that song, endlesly reincarnated - born of that truth, be it the moon and June of that truth, or the wordless blue moan, or the rotgut or the elegant poetry of it. That nameless black-hulled ship of Ulysses, that long black train, that Terraplane, that mystery train, that Rocket '88', that Buick 6 - same journey, same miracle, same end and endlessness." - Nick Tosches, Where Dead Voices Gather
Without Emmitt Miller would we have Hank Williams?
You decide. Go here & here for rare Emmitt Miller medicine shows and songs.
KONGAR-OL-ONDAR & PAUL PENA: Ghengis Blues Promo Video + more
REVEREND DEADEYE @ MySpace // Facebook // DL The Trials And Tribulations Of Reverend Deadeye @ Amazon // MP3 of performance below
Video courtesy of the always tasteful Devilyn Carver
Video courtesy of the always tasteful Devilyn Carver
Cigarette Vicarage? Rev mini review...
Well, have to confess I really enjoyed the recent BBC series, Rev, and yet to find anyone other than 'vicarage' types that didn't which, in turn, adds to the amusement value! Of course the ending was really special and each episode had a bit more momentum as the series progressed. bearing in mind that blog discussions earlier in the year seemed to bring the sermon out as the best element of a service this was also reality check time, generally sermons are dire too, so a score of -1 would be high praise indeed!
In the last episode there was a classic representation of the church carrying on with all its frippery whilst effectively shunning the young guns cavorting around the war memorial. What an opportunity to join things up by linking the current conflicts our soldiers endure with some war history thereby making the act of commemoration meaningful for everyone rather than just themselves? That's just one example of where the series was hard hitting and justifiably so.
Anyway, a great series, lots of profound and challenging moments...
Tamikrest hail from Kidal, Mali. Fans of Tinariwen must check them out. Their debut album was recorded by Chris Ekman who plays with semi-American band Dirtmusic and who you'll also remember as a member of Seattle's Walkabouts.
Tamikrest @ MySpace // @ Facebook // DL@ Amazon.uk
DL @ iTunes Available as import cd only in U.S. @ Amazon
"Tamikrest are a group of young Touareg musicians from the far north of Mali, where the parched landscape forms part of the Sahara desert. Their name means the knot, junction or coalition, a reference to the fact that the members hail from different regions, and Adagh is another name for the Touareg, who are also referred to by their language, Tamashek. Theyre being dubbed the spiritual sons of Tinariwen the original exponents of the Ishumar rock (Touareg rebel music), and right from the first notes of this debut album, its obvious who theyve modelled their music on. If youre a Tinariwen fan who just cant wait for their next disc, Adagh is very much cut from the same cloth, with a few minor differences. While Tinariwen have four lead vocalists and writers, Tamikrests Ousmane Ag Mossa is the sole featured singer and songwriter. His lyrics follow much the same themes as theirs, though, focussing most often on the Touareg struggle for self determination as an oppressed group in contemporary Malian society. Many Touareg have spent their lives in exile, after fleeing the fallout from one of several rebellions that have sparked off since Mali gained independence in 1959."
"They are definitely the future of Tamasheq music!" -Andy Morgan, long-time manager of Tinariwen
"..riffs that sound like a dream come true: Keith Richards, Ry Cooder & Ali Farka Toure picking side by side under an unforgiving sun" -D. Fricke - Rolling Stone
Tamikrest @ MySpace // @ Facebook // DL@ Amazon.uk
DL @ iTunes Available as import cd only in U.S. @ Amazon
"Tamikrest are a group of young Touareg musicians from the far north of Mali, where the parched landscape forms part of the Sahara desert. Their name means the knot, junction or coalition, a reference to the fact that the members hail from different regions, and Adagh is another name for the Touareg, who are also referred to by their language, Tamashek. Theyre being dubbed the spiritual sons of Tinariwen the original exponents of the Ishumar rock (Touareg rebel music), and right from the first notes of this debut album, its obvious who theyve modelled their music on. If youre a Tinariwen fan who just cant wait for their next disc, Adagh is very much cut from the same cloth, with a few minor differences. While Tinariwen have four lead vocalists and writers, Tamikrests Ousmane Ag Mossa is the sole featured singer and songwriter. His lyrics follow much the same themes as theirs, though, focussing most often on the Touareg struggle for self determination as an oppressed group in contemporary Malian society. Many Touareg have spent their lives in exile, after fleeing the fallout from one of several rebellions that have sparked off since Mali gained independence in 1959."
"They are definitely the future of Tamasheq music!" -Andy Morgan, long-time manager of Tinariwen
"..riffs that sound like a dream come true: Keith Richards, Ry Cooder & Ali Farka Toure picking side by side under an unforgiving sun" -D. Fricke - Rolling Stone
Well now if this isn't about the best damn thing i've heard in months! Y'all been holdin' out on me.
MOLLY GENE @ Facebook
MOLLY GENE @ Facebook
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